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Pursuing a Healthy and Economical Vegan Diet

There is a common misconception that pursuing a vegan diet is financially inaccessible for many people. This misconception stems in large part from a lack of education regarding nutrition. In the 1900s, the American meat industry pursued an aggressive and very successful campaign to convince the American public of the crucial health benefits of meat. Although many of their claims were not rooted in facts, many people to this day believe that meat offers unique and crucial nutrients, and that they must derive these nutrients from meat substitutes, like Impossible™ and BeyondⓇ burgers, in order to maintain a healthy vegan diet.

When beginning to research the feasibility of a vegan diet with this notion in mind, people are often discouraged by the high prices of these meat replacements in comparison to their meat-based counterparts. However, there are countless foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which are naturally vegan. Not only can one sustain a well-rounded vegan diet –free from meat substitutes– including these foods (which people have been doing for thousands of years), but they are often healthier than animal-based foods and frequently less expensive!

Often, people are also driven to base their vegan diet around meat alternatives because these substitutes seem easier to prepare. While throwing a BeyondⓇ burger onto a pan for a few minutes is certainly simple, there are many quick and easy ways to put together an equally (if not more) healthy, less expensive meal using raw vegan ingredients. Below, I have listed some of my favorite cost-effective, super healthy, and easy-to-make recipes using these ingredients.

There are also countless ways to make these meals more convenient or less expensive. For example, if time is very much limited for you, consider investing in a meal delivery service which will deliver pre-portioned ingredients with simple preparation instructions with varying frequency. Purple Carrot™ is an example of a plant-based meal delivery service. However, be advised that these services can be costly. Also, buying in bulk can cut grocery costs significantly, but it helps to have an understanding of the rate at which you consume certain foods, as well as your capacity for food storage when dealing with plant-based foods (which often need to be refrigerated.)

My hope is that, armed with this understanding, you will avoid falling victim to the marketing which has deterred large swaths of people from pursuing a vegan diet for decades. There are countless ways to shape a vegan diet and make it best suit your lifestyle. The recipes below are some of my favorites, and I believe they are a great jumping off point from which you can dive deep into the vast plant-based world!

This healthy soup is very customizable and easy to store –perfect for lunch.

This classic, creamy, vegetable-packed risotto is so delicious you would never know how simple it is to make.

This budget-friendly stir-fry is very reliable and highly customizable.

This creamy and cozy one-pot meal is perfect for a cold winter day.

This colorful and flavorful dish is packed with nutrients.


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